Chronic diseases

Why we believe that "chronic" diseases are not diseases at all...

... but the result of abnormal regulations!

In order to better understand chronic abnormal regulations one should know how our body works.

Please imagine your child crossing the road against the red light instead of green.

What is going? What is to be done?

Well, I think you probably wouldn´t think about taking your child to the doctor to get medication for this `misconduct`. Obviously though, a lot of parents, wanting only the best for their child, unconsciously choose to do just that.

One example for this is AD(H)D. Children diagnosed with this `disorder` have a hard time concentrating, freak out without a reason, etc. Conventional medicine often prescribes Ritalin which simply calms down the child. But what if their body forced them to act this way? (see under school problems)

It is the same with children reacting to `allergies`. Parents visit the doctor with symptoms like hay fever, neurodermatitis and asthma only to get them reduced or suppressed. Have you ever asked your doctor why the body acts this way and what can be done about the cause?

Don´t you visit the doctor or pharmacy when you suffer from allergies?

Here is my question again: Would you try to stop your child from crossing the road against the red light with the help of medication just because it is acting abnormally? Probably not.

But somehow this is exactly what you do with your child and yourself, right? Or do you not visit the doctor if you suffer from asthma, neurodermatitis or some other chronic disease? These diseases too are the result of abnormal behavior in the body. The danger I see is the suppression of the symptoms (which are nothing but an alarm signal of the body). By suppressing them you turn off the alarm just like the warning light in your car for an oil change. You probably wouldn´t think about taking out the bulb.

I would like to somewhat `sensitize` you to what I know from my experience with thousands of affected people. It is better to change the child`s behavior instead of giving it medication. We just need to teach the child how to cross the road the `proper` way and not to give medication that stops it from walking.

I would like to make it clear though that we are not trying to talk you out of visiting your doctor. On the contrary, if you suffer from allergy – induced asthma you need to have those symptoms treated by your doctor in the best possible way. However, when it comes to treating the cause of this, conventional medicine may not be able to help you as to them the cause is unknown so far.

We would like for you to understand why you need to visit your doctor and how all of this can possibly be changed so there would not have to be such disease.

The body of an allergic person

This is not about the mind that `thinks` , but the body that (re)acts. What does the body do? It reacts to harmless substances (just like the child crossing the road) and therefore does exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to do. And then the mind of the allergic person steps in and tries to control the uncomfortable symptoms with medication.

But instead of trying to teach the body a different behavior the mind `runs` to the doctor to suppress the symptoms. It seems logical and is a very simple way to get rid of these annoying symptoms. Not only does the body act wrong, its `navigator` (mind) too shows a completely wrong behavior. There is a different approach though.

We do not need to punish the body by stopping or blocking its normal chemical process but we better teach it to deal with harmless substances the right way. Medication cannot achieve that since it is there for treating the symptoms (and the abnormal reaction has already started).

What happens inside the body?

If a body reacts abnormally to a harmless substance then the following process takes place:

On contact with a harmless substance the body erroneously releases histamine through a chemical process. This process seems logical for the body though.

  • Histamine causes the sensitive nerve endings to be irritated giving you itches and stimulating your reflex for sneezing
  • Histamine widens the small blood vessels and the skin shows redness
  • Histamine causes diffusion of fluids from the blood vessels into the tissue and makes it swell
  • At the same time the mucosa produces more fluids and makes your nose run and your eyes watery (the symptoms of an allergy).

We now have a variety of `unspecific` treatments for this, but they do not help against the actual offender, they treat the overactive reaction of the body. These medications block the production or release of histamines, simply stop the immune response of the body (cortisone) or stimulate the sympathetic nerve system, which then makes the mucosa`s swelling go down and widens the bronchia. This is a vicious and endless cycle.

Let`s go from the child crossing the road to our body. Our body too controls many processes unconsciously and independently without our mind having direct influence on them (respiration or heartbeat, etc.). These are behaviors that have developed over thousands of years. This way we also inherit other `behaviors` like talents, fear/phobias or simply an allergy.

That is exactly how allergies (behaviors) are inherited. The word allergy does not describe a disease but rather an abnormal behavior of the body. Therefore one should correct the abnormal behavior first instead of taking medication (sometimes for years or lifelong) without due consideration. Don´t forget that this may cause havoc in your body and may set the stage for more chronic disease. We can change what conventional medicine cannot in the body`s (re)action. Conventional medicine is only in charge of the symptoms.

Let`s take a look at rheumatism

Rheumatism comes from the Greek word for searing pain. Nowadays it comprises all abnormalities of the locomotor system (e.g. joints, capsules, bones, muscular system or ligaments) that have not been caused by an injury or a cancerous mutation.

Rheumatism is therefore neither a diagnosis nor a homogeneous disease but rather an array of about 400 different diseases. They may be alike or differ from each other in their cause, symptoms, their effect on the body and the way they are treated.

Rheumatic diseases are not only those of the locomotor system but may also show in almost all other organs of the body, since it is an inflammatory condition that attacks the structure of the mucosa and the mucosa can be practically be found all over the body.

Many diseases of the rheumatic spectrum disorders share an abnormality of the immune system. The body attacks its own structures like the synovial (rheumatoid arthritis). These so-called auto-immune diseases may also appear in the form of collagenous colitis where similar tissue in various organs is attacked by the immune system.

This is an abnormal behavior of the body too. Even the so-called auto-immune disease is (in our opinion) an abnormal behavior of the body surely not intended by nature. Nature never attacks itself. Thus the behavior is to be seen as the cause, not the disease itself caused by it. In addition the intake of medication often worsens the disease/abnormality by suppressing it.

Let`s take a look at "chronic" diseases

By chronic diseases we understand diseases that are either the result of a lengthy process of degenerative change of somatic or psychological conditions or those resulting in continuous somatic or psychological damage or handicap (Waltz 1981). If an acute condition does not heal up or the cause of it cannot be eliminated then it may become chronic.

Examples: coronary heart disease, asthma, Parkinson disease, breast cancer, diabetes, MS, stroke, dementia, epilepsy, gout, rheumatism, ulcerative colitis, Crohn` s disease.

  • Almost 20 % of Germany`s population are chronically ill. Almost everyone knows of someone, either family or friends, with such conditions.
  • 19th century: 80 % of all population died of infectious diseases, in 1930 nearly 50 % and in 1980 only 1 %.
  • Today over 80 % of all population suffer and die from chronic diseases like malignant tumors, hypertension, bronchial conditions, liver cirrhosis, diabetes and arteriosclerosis.
  • Maybe the tide has turned but not our thinking?

Obviously not…

  • We need to get away from the thought that viruses and bacteria are threatening us (what the media is trying to make you believe)
  • We need to get away from the thought that allergies are a molecular problem
  • We need to get away from the thought that only medication can heal a disease

Over 80 % of all people suffer and die from chronic diseases

They suffer from abnormalities that conventional medicine obviously can´t come to grips with and the cause is mostly unknown as of now. Are they not "diseases" anymore but rather the result of regulation abnormalities that were caused by the abnormal behavior of the body?

We believe that in most cases this is true.

We start by looking at the body`s abnormal behavior

ALLERGIE-IMMUN treats on a different level than conventional medicine. We teach your body to once again be able to handle thousands of substances the right way.

Once the body knows again how to accurately identify all substances in its environment it may then again know what is necessary for processing (celiac disease). Conventional medicine calls this a genetic defect. We call it an identification problem. We know that the body does not accurately identify gluten. Therefore the enzymes needed for digestion are not produced and constant inflammation is the result.

Almost all of our clients with gluten intolerance told us that after taking REGU-IMMUN these problems were gone.

Break the mold with us!