Why REGU-Immun?

In order to understand the basics of this holistic long claimed bio-cybernetic diagnosis and therapy one needs to comprehend the basics of electrical engineering, cybernetics or information technology but not necessarily the details thereof.

The bio-cybernetic diagnosis and therapy analyses and corrects an abnormally functioning superior regulation system of the body and intervenes directly with the faster acting information- and control system on which the bio-chemical system depends. It is not about knowing the details but understanding the basic connections. The highest superior system is the bio-energetic system (information system). In old cultures this regulation system was described as the ´energy of life´.

A lot of traditional medicinal systems know some kind of ´life energy´, a power (energy and information) that ´gives´ life to the material body. This energy gets the human body´s metabolism going and controls its bio-chemical processes. In China this is called ´Chi´, in India ´Prana´. In areas where German is spoken they used to say ´Od´(Odem). Until a few years ago the existence of this was a matter of belief or that of experience because it could not be measured or metrologically proved. Thanks to a physicist by the name of Prof. F.A.Popp that has changed. Ever since he was able to give proof that light (bio-photons) exist in our body´s cells, , more and more people who used to assume that our body is just a chemistry lab, become silent. However today we know that bio-chemical processes (conventional medicine still partially believes in it) are by far too slow to coordinate such an immense amount of processes in our body at the required speed. Only the bio-energetic regulation system is able to strike up a faster pace. (See under cell communication)

The BRS-system (bio-energetic regulation system) is superior to the bio-chemical system (body) and works a lot faster and better by bio-photons.

Therefore it was possible to prove the existence of energetic phenomena described in Asia´s traditional medicinal systems, e.g. :

  • The meridians of acupuncture, the chakras (stationary whirls in the human body´s energy system) and Kundalini energy (a more
  • intense energetic ´operating status´ of the nervous system and the brain)
  • Western researchers also showed with those examples how much the human being primarily is an energetic being:
  • Cells communicate amongst each other by means of light signals (bio-photons)
  • Before a muscle may move, a part of the brain initiates thinking, before something ´heals´ or psi-phenomena may happen, polarity potential in the human body´s energy field needs to change first
  • The flow of minerals (e.g. calcium) into the body´s cells may be regulated only by electromagnetic waves or magnetic fields
  • Magnetic fields help heal bones much better and make joints more flexible

A change in life´s energy happens – sometimes a long time - before the physical or mental health changes in some way. Errors happen on the BRS-level which then disrupt the bio-chemical system considerably. Chronic persistent inflammation is therefore caused by the errors of the defense system in the body.

If these errors are not corrected in time the body becomes unbalanced and diseases may develop.

According to what we know today only a perfectly functioning and fixed BRS may induce a change on the body level. Conventional therapies or medication are not able to do that yet since they relate to specific organs. But they leave the question unanswered as to why a certain organ got sick in the first place.

Instead of directly treating the pain or symptoms of disease we use the body´s information system to correct the errors in the BRS so that the body may then help itself.

The human body first ´gets sick´ on the BRS-level, a long time before symptoms of disease can be found.

Knowledge of conventional medicine makes this hard to understand and utilize because even though the needed basics of bio-cybernetics are known in biology, conventional medicine studies do not include it. Conventional medicine is rather good at surgery and accidents because it relates to specific organs. Conventional doctors may be of great help to those patients with medical evidence of their symptoms but are at a loss when no pathogenic evidence can be found, e.g. allergies, allergic asthma, dermatitis, urticaria, constant headaches or migraines, acid reflux, rheumatism and intestinal problems.

Conventional medicine treats the pathogenic effect (e.g. tumors) but not the cause of it. The risk of it reappearing is very high.

Before pathologic changes, regulation collapses, mostly by stress or fighting substances that are not really hostile.

Since the revelation of bio-cybernetics nothing significant has been added to treat those patients. Bio-cybernetics has been worked with at institutes where doctors work too. But somehow those works have not made their way to conventional medicine, although the demand for bio-cybernetics is getting stronger.

The dilemma is that the basics of biology (the hierarchy of regulation systems and bio-cybernetics of information and control systems) are not included in medicine studies. That is why doctors are still trying to eliminate ´errors´ in the organ itself. The main reason for this dilemma is not that these phenomena do not exist but that it is not possible to prove their existence.

At least the western world knows relatively little about the cause of disease. The industry has been operating from computer-based centers in modern companies rather than from individual positions for quite some time now. This was possible not only by using the knowledge of information but also the more complex cybernetics.

We do not need to understand bio-cybernetics in detail (complex processes in the body), we simplify it. We just need the knowledge of complex regulations and its hierarchy in our body without knowing its regulation in detail.

ALLERGIE-IMMUN is not a substitute for conventional medicine but rather an option for those where conventional medicine may not be helping.